Founder & Pastoral Counselor
BJ was called into ministry at a young age and has over 20 years of ministry experience serving in various positions at church, such as Youth Pastor, Sunday School Teacher, Small Group Leader and serving in other Christian organizations. Having experienced the many different struggles and victories in marriage; BJ decided to answer the call to full-time ministry as a Christian Counselor. BJ’s passion is to help marriages succeed, families grow stronger, and people that have experienced infidelity, abuse, and addiction of various kinds.
Co Founder
Mora Guerra is the co-founder of Team G Ranch with her husband, BJ. She loves learning about all things related to homesteading and self sustainability. After she leaves her office job you can usually find her in the chicken coop or the garden.
White Horse
Hank is large and in charge. Definately the alpha of our horses. He's also the first one to come up for some cuddles.
Brown Horse with White Face
The smallest and fluffiest horse we have. We can't get many pictures of him alone because he's always hanging out with his best friend, Larry.
Paint Horse
He's new here. Amigo was supposed to be a roping horse but he would get sad when he had to leave the other horses to go work. He's still active and loves running around in the pasture.
Newt is our therapy bunny. He likes cuddles, alfalfa treats. He will only drink water from a bowl and knows how to use his litter box.